EURAXESS centre for international researchers EURAXESS centre for international researchers
More information
Benefit from personalised support before and during your stay in France, as well as assistance tailored to your needs, such as administrative help, insurance and health coverage, bank accounts, the opportunity to take French lessons, and tips on finding housing. You can gain access to all this by registering with ALFRED©.
Some useful links
The Alfred Foundation
EURAXESS France: website and Facebook
France Diplomacy
- Bibiane NZINGA
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University of Burgundy
International Office
EURAXESS Burgundy - room R24
Maison de l’Université
Esplanade Erasme
BP 27877
21078 Dijon cedex France
- Bibiane NZINGA
The welcoming of international researchers at the university of Burgundy
You’re invited to join a lab or a research team at the university of Burgundy. The Euraxess services center can help you to prepare and make the most of your research stay in Burgundy.
You may be required to take some administrative steps to prepare your arrival to France and to the university of Burgundy. You may for example need a visa to enter the country.
To set up easily you can take some steps to find accommodation and take out an insurance policy.
Upon your arrival in France you may have to follow the procedure to ask for a residence card.
To help you to set up nicely you’ll also find in these webpages useful information on insurance coverage and French lessons offered by the university of Burgundy as well as information on the local cultural life, childminding and schooling for your children.
FOCUS ON : Income tax declaration
If you’ve had a salaried activity in France in 2015 you’ve got to declare your income to the taxation department of the State Treasury.
To help you to complete your declaration form please read the income tax declaration instructions.
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Welcoming international researchers
EURAXESS Burgundy is a service dedicated to helping foreign researchers arriving in France and supporting those who facilitate their mobility.
Will you be joining a research or teaching unit at the University of Burgundy as :
- a PhD student employed in the framework of your thesis ?
- a PhD student registered at a foreign university?
- a post-doctoral researcher?
- a professor/researcher invited or employed by the university of Burgundy?
With its developed network, the EURAXESS Burgundy service will support you and accompany you in preparation for your mobility and help you to settle in on arrival. To benefit from these services, whether that be looking for housing, legal assistance, help with administrative processes etc., you must register for free on the website ALFRED ©.
• Get ready for your stay: the first steps of your say before and shortly after your move to France.
• Departure: the last steps before leaving France.