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University of Burgundy

After your mobility

Highlight your mobility, share your experience, join international associations and projects.


How to highlight your mobility

  • Certify your language level.
  • Highlight your experience on your CV, by proving what skills were acquired, with Europass documents and notably with a diploma supplement.
  • Prepare for your return by planning what will you do after (continue your studies, search for a job...) and do not forget the obligatory administrative procedures upon your return.
  • Make your diploma official and recognised if you went abroad as a degree-seeking student.


Tell us about your experience!

You can share your experience by:

  • contacting the uB International office who can publish your interviews and photo albums on the uB-link student portal and on their Facebook page. Your intercultural experiences in particular can prove useful for other students looking to go abroad;
  • becoming an ambassador on the Agitateurs de mobilite regional website.


Join the Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

Don't want to leave that international atmosphere behind on returning to France or to your home country? See if there are any local international student associations, for example the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is found in cities all over Europe where Erasmus+ takes place.

Joining those associations will give you the chance to:

  • get actively involved in the running of the association: organising events for the students, administrative management, establishing relationships with local, regional and even international partners...;
  • join in on a whole host of activities and projects organised by the association, such as language cafés, excursions, cultural trips, international evenings, aperitifs;
  • buddy up with an international student.

Contact the local association in Dijon: Erasmus Student Network (ESN) InsiDijon.

Co-funded by the European Union 

uB International office contacts

Suivez-nous : Suivez nous sur Facebook Suivez nous sur Google + Suivez nous sur Twitter Suivez nous sur Viadeo uB link, le réseau social de l'université


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