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University of Burgundy

Encart Encart

  • Chiffres clés

    • 2500 pages publiques
    • 700 rubriques
    • 50 contributeurs et valideurs
    • 1000 photos en lignes dans la future photothèque


Suivez-nous : Suivez nous sur Facebook Suivez nous sur Google + Suivez nous sur Twitter Suivez nous sur Viadeo uB link, le réseau social de l'université

Alfred website

Benefit from personalised support before and during your stay in France, as well as assistance tailored to your needs, such as administrative help, insurance and health coverage, bank accounts, the opportunity to take French lessons, and tips on finding housing. You can gain access to all this by registering with ALFRED©.

International House

  • International house

    At the very heart of the uB Dijon campus, an innovative and original residence designed for both long and short stays.



  • Bibiane NZINGA

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    University of Burgundy
    International Office
    EURAXESS Burgundy - room R24
    Maison de l’Université
    Esplanade Erasme
    BP 27877
    21078 Dijon cedex France

Some useful links


English version