Erasmus+ programme
Spend from 2 to 12 months studying in one of the University of Burgundy's Erasmus+ partner universities.
The European Union Erasmus+ study programme allows you to study abroad for a semester or for a whole year. You can study at one of the University of Burgundy's partner universities that is also part of the Erasmus+ programme.
Reasons and advantages to going abroad.
The University of Burgundy's Erasmus+ partners
uB has over 180 Erasmus+ partners across all faculties and all levels of study.
You can study abroad at any partner university with which the University of Burgundy has a cooperation agreement within your area of studies. For example, if you are a second year history student, you can go to any university where the University of Burgundy has a cooperation agreement for bachelor level studies in history within the Humanities faculty.
- You can use our search engine to find our Erasmus+ partners, and check where you can go to study abroad in your area of studies!
Eligibility and duration
Eligibility criteria
- Be a student at the University of Burgundy.
- It is absolutely essential that you study at a university with which the University of Burgundy has a cooperation agreement in your field of studies.
- Meet the selection criteria of your faculty, school or institute.
For every period spent abroad you should decide, with the approval of your coordinator, whether you would like to study abroad for one semester or for the whole year. With the Erasmus+ programme you can spend one or several study periods abroad within a duration of 3 to 12 months per cycle. Your bachelor's degree, your master, and your PhD equate to one cycle each.
You can combine and accumulate several periods of Erasmus+ study exchange and/or Erasmus+ internships throughout your degree, provided that the total does not exceed 12 months per cycle.
- You can spend 5 months studying abroad in the second year of your bachelor's degree and another 7 months in the third year of your bachelor's degree.
- Then you can study abroad for 6 months in the first year of your master's degree and complete an internship of 6 months in the second year of your master.
- Students who continue their studies to the PhD level will have another 12 months of potential mobility in their third cycle.
- Erasmus+ mobilities are cumulative with any other type of mobility that the University offers. If you have already spent 12 months studying or carrying out an internship within the Erasmus+ programme you can additionally study in an exchange programme outside of the Erasmus+ programme or complete an internship abroad with only an ordinary uB internship agreement. In terms of exchange programmes outside of Erasmus+, there is no limit on how many months you can spend abroad. However, your international mobility projects must always be constructed in agreement with your exchange coordinators and those responsible for your degree programme.
Some uB students are required to go abroad to validate their academic year because their study programme at uB has a mandatory study abroad element. These students must respect the guidelines set by the person responsible of their study programme at uB in terms of duration of their mobility and possible partner universities where they can go abroad.
How to apply for an Erasmus+ study programme?
Step 1: preselect the university where you want to go
Use our search engine to help you find our Erasmus+ partner universities with which we have agreements in your field of studies. Make sure you select your faculty and field of studies!
Remember that you are not always required to know the country's language to go abroad. For example, if you wish to go to the Czech Republic or to Finland, the courses are often taught in English. To find out about the teaching language visit the website of the partner university and read the information about the courses offered there. Sometimes, universities offer courses specifically designed for Erasmus+ students.
Choose the university that you would like to attend.
Step 2: submit your application to your uB's faculty
Contact your exchange coordinator at the University of Burgundy in order to get their permission to go abroad. Exchange coordinators are professors at uB who are in charge of the cooperation agreement with a partner university and are those who decide whether a student can go abroad.
- Your coordinator will inform you if there is a particular selection procedure within your department and will explain all of the necessary steps that you must complete in order to be selected. For example there may be a foreign language interview or a cover letter to write. Also, please be aware that different faculties of the University of Burgundy may have different internal application deadlines.
- The name of your coordinator is written on the partner university's profile on our search engine. Use the uB directory to find their email address and their phone number. If the name of your coordinator is not indicated in the search engine, please contact the responsible person for international relations within your faculty who will be able to point you in the right direction.
- If you are not selected to go to your first choice university you can reapply to another university in agreement with your uB coordinator.
- Students who are enrolled at the uB in a study programme which has a mandatory study abroad element must discuss all details with the person responsible for their study programme.
Step 3: submit your application to the University of Burgundy's central International office
Once you have been selected by your uB coordinator or the person you've previously consulted who is responsible for your study programme, firstly you must apply via the International office at the University of Burgundy, and then at the host university.
Application to the University of Burgundy's International office
- You must complete the online application form and follow the instructions that will be sent to you by email in order to create your personal online account.
- Once your personal account is created, your application will be sent off to be officially approved by your exchange coordinator.
- Once your application is electronically approved by your coordinator, you will have access to all the documents you will need to complete your application.
- You must download, complete and sign these documents (electronically or by hand) and then upload them, scanned if necessary, to your personal account. There is only one document that you must hand in to the International office as a paper copy. In addition, be sure to look at this file; it contains detailed information on each document that you must provide. Please read it through carefully and respect the guidelines.
The International office's online form will be open:
- from mid-February/early March until the 15th May, for those who wish to go abroad during the first university semester or for the whole year;
- from mid-September until the 15th November, for those who wish to go abroad during the second university semester.
- Once your online application form has been completed and your personal account created, you will have a few additional weeks to finish your mobility dossier.
Step 4: submit your application to the host University
While you are in the process of applying to the International office at uB, you must also apply to the host university in order to finalise your mobility.
- Go to the website of the host university and follow their application instructions which are usually published under the section International students, Exchange students, or Erasmus students. You can also take a look at our partner universities' information sheets through our search engine: in some cases, they contain useful information about the partner university's application procedures, relevant contacts, and testimonies of uB students who studied abroad there. For certain partner universities, you must first be nominated by the University of Burgundy so that host university can contact you so you can then apply for the partner. For this reason it is important that you are in contact with the uB International office.
- Deadlines at the host university can be different to uB's, make sure that you have applied before the deadline! If your application is submitted after the deadline, the host university can refuse your application, even if you have been selected by your coordinator at uB.
- To complete your application documents you will need the University of Burgundy's Erasmus+ code which is: F DIJON01. You will find the Erasmus+ codes of our partner universities on the information profile dedicated to each university on our online search engine or on their website.
Choosing your modules
In order to validate your semester or year abroad, you must choose the modules you wish to follow at the partner university.
- In order to choose your modules and to find out what is offered in your field of studies and in what language, you must look at the website of the partner university. Some universities offer courses which are specifically designed for Erasmus+ students.
- Choose the modules that you would like to take and discuss them with your coordinator at uB. The goal is not to find exactly the same courses as the ones you would study at uB but to choose relevant modules to your degree.
- In order to pass your university year, you must have at least 30 ECTS credits per semester.
- To make sure that your choice is taken into account, you must complete your learning agreement and have it signed by your uB coordinator and the coordinator at your host university. This document exists in paper version (you can also download it inside your personal online account) but it is recommended to complete it directly online on the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) platform where it is available in English. Using this platform facilitates the transmission and signing of the contract.
- Log in to the OLA platform.
- Create your account.
- Create a new Learning Agreement with:
- personal information,
- home institution (the official name of the uB is UNIVERSITE DIJON BOURGOGNE),
- host institution,
- choice of courses you plan to take abroad (table A),
- courses you should have taken at uB (table B),
- your signature.
- Your two coordinators will receive a notification to analyse and sign/modify your Learning Agreement.
- Once your Learning Agreement has been signed by the three parties involved, you will be able to download it.
Some of the partner universities may use other software to manage learning agreements online. Check with your host university if they apply another procedure for signing learning agreements.
- Take a look at this example to understand how to fill in your Learning Agreement.
- If you have any questions about your module choices, you should contact your coordinator at the uB. You will be able to modify your choices when you arrive at the host university should you have any problems.
If you encounter a problem or you have a question, you should contact:
- your coordinator at uB if you want to know more about the internal selection process and application deadline at your uB faculty;
- your coordinator at uB and/or your coordinator at the partner university if you have an academic query: choosing modules, validating the semester...;
- the Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. if it is an administrative query relating to the official application through the University of Burgundy;
- the international relations office of the host university if it is an administrative and/or academic query related to your application at the host university (if you do not manage to find the application procedure and/or the classes on offer);
- the Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. if you haven't managed to make contact with the host university.
See also the Financial aid section.

Co-funded by the European Union
uB International office contacts.