Study at the University of Burgundy as a Degree-Seeking Student


Last update: September, 27, 2024.

This page is primarily aimed at candidates who wish to study at the University of Burgundy outside of a short-term exchange programme and are of foreign nationality.

Here you will find information on how to apply for our English-taught master programmes. 



Information for the 2025/2026 academic year.

Step 1: I choose my study programme

Have a look at the English-taught programmes rubric to find out about the range of English-taught programmes that we offer.

Please read the information of every programme you are interested in carefully: you will find each programme's entry conditions, content, subjects etc. This information should help you to determine your eligibility for the study programme. If this is the case, start writing your cover letter and assemble all the required documents, translated into English if necessary: diplomas, transcripts of records...

Please note that if you are accepted to study at uB you will not be able to change your programme nor campus.

Step 2: I submit my application


The way you will submit your application will depend on your personal situation:

  1. your citizenship,
  2. your country of residence and
  3. level of the study programme you are applying for.

Detailed information about the application procedure for international degree-seeking students is available at the English-taught masters’ website

If you are applying for a programme with a different procedures, please do not submit your application simultaneously through two different procedures: you must apply only once and it is mandatory to follow the right application procedure corresponding to your situation (citizenship, country of residence and level you are applying for) otherwise your application will be rejected automatically.

Translating your documents
If you need to have your documents translated, you can do it in your country or in France (consult the Court of Appeal lists where you will find the lists of translators on French territory).

Step 3: I obtain the required language test



Applicants in the following categories are exempt from English language tests:


Good to know: if you do not have yet your language certificate you can still start your application procedure and add it later but remember that your application file must be complete (language certificate included) before the application official deadline.

Step 4: I receive an answer to my application


You will receive the answer to your application several weeks or months after the completion of your application file. The majority of students receive a response between April and June.

Please do not contact the University of Burgundy's International Office or any other structure asking questions about the treatment of your application: you will receive an official answer once your application have been examined and no other information can be given to you in between.

If your application is accepted you must respect all the following steps in order to organize your arrival and enrolment at the University of Burgundy.



Information for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Step 1: I prepare all necessary documents for my enrolment.


In order to register at the University of Burgundy (year 2024/2025) you must prepare the following documents:

Translating your documents
If you need to have your documents translated, you can do it in your country or in France (consult the Court of Appeal lists where you will find the lists of translators on French territory).

Step 2: I pay fees


Student and Campus Life Contribution fee

Before registering at the University of Burgundy, you must pay the Student and Campus Life contribution fee (Contribution à la vie étudiante et de campus - CVEC). 

Do not forget to give your proof of payment of the Student and Campus Life Contribution fee to the International Office when you enrol.

University of Burgundy enrolment fee

The enrolment fees for 2024/2025 academic year:

You will be able to make the payment either by credit card or by French bank check.

Good to know: for the 2024/2025 academic year, the University of Burgundy will not charge separate fees for students coming from countries outside of the European Union, the European Economic Area, or Switzerland.


Step 3: I carry out my administrative enrolment at the University of Burgundy


If you applied via Parcoursup, Mon master or eCandidat procedure, please follow the online registration procedure.

If you applied via Etudes en France, DAP or Mobility-Online procedure, the administrative registration (year 2024/2025) will take place on the Dijon campus in Pôle AAFE building (point 20 on the campus plan) in room R03 from 28 August to 13 September 2024 from 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. according to the following phases.


1. You must come with all the documents requested respecting the schedule here below corresponding to the faculty where you have been admitted.

2. International office checks your documents and proceeds with your registration.

3. You pay the registration fee by credit card or French bank check.

4. You receive your student card and a welcome pack offered by the International office and the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.

5. Students WITHOUT health insurance from one of the EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland must apply for French social security (more information here below in Social security – Health paragraph).


 If your study programme is not on the Dijon Campus or if you are enrolling in IUT Dijon please contact the administrative office of your study programme to find about the administrative and pedagogical registration there.

We cannot give you a certificate of late enrolment. Please note that if you haven't enrolled within the two weeks following your programme's start date, your admission into the university will no longer be valid, and you will no longer be able to enrol at the University of Burgundy.

Step 4: I carry out my pedagogical enrolment


Once you have enrolled within the International office, you must contact the scolarité (administrative office for your study programme) in order to find out about your pedagogical enrolment; for example, to choose subjects, etc.

If your courses start before your administrative enrolment, don't worry: you can (and should!) still go to class. The fact that you haven't yet been enrolled administratively does not prevent you from attending class.



Information for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Visas and residence permit


Students with citizenship of a country within the European Union, European Economic Area, or Swiss Confederation


Students with citizenship of a country OUTSIDE the European Union, European Economic Area, or Swiss Confederation

The official website for French visas contain helpful details about validating and renewing your visa/residence permit.

Good to know: The International Office can provide answers to certain questions about extending your student residence permit once in France. There will be someone available to guide you as you prepare the necessary documents for requesting an extension before submitting them at the Prefecture. This service is routinely available from mid-April to mid-July.

Financial resources


To study in France, you must be sure you possess enough financial resources for living and to pay the University's tuition fees. To get a rough idea about life expenses in France you can check the Campus France website, rubric Preparing your budget.

To find out the difference between the cost of living in your country of origin and in France, you can consult the following comparison sites: Numbeo or Expatistan.

Students who are required to obtain a visa for their stay in France must provide to the French authority delivering visas a proof of their financial resources.

There is no specific financial aids you could apply for once you arrived in France so be aware you must have a reliable solution of financing your studies in France.

Depending of your situation and country of origin you may be eligible for scholarships:

Please note that the University of Burgundy does not offer any grants.

Good to know: in the Student life paragraph here below you can find useful information on different types of help for students with social difficulties (food donation associations, state financial assistance for housing, etc.).



Once you have received your admission notification at the University of Burgundy you must search for a housing solution. University of Burgundy cannot do it for you but we give you possible solutions.



Other housing possibilities:


Good to know

Academic calendar


Please be sure you arrive on the campus before your programme's start date.

The academic calendar for 2024/2025 academic year is available here.

We cannot give you a certificate of late enrolment. Please note that if you haven't enrolled within the two weeks following your programme's start date, your admission into the university will no longer be valid, and you will no longer be able to enrol at the University of Burgundy.

Reminder: if your courses start before your administrative enrolment, don't worry: you can (and should!) still go to class. The fact that you haven't yet been enrolled administratively does not prevent you from attending class.

Student card and digital services


Student card

Once you enrol, you will receive your student card which you can use to eat at the student restaurants, borrow books at the University's libraries, and get discounts at the cinema as well as other cultural institutions or events (theatre, museums, athletic events, etc.).

You can also load your card with money so that you can use it to pay at university restaurants.


Electronic student account and digital services

48 hours after your administrative enrolment, you must activate your University of Burgundy student account, which will enable you to access several features, such as:


You can activate your account on the University's website under the Espace numérique de travail (ENT) tab - Mon compte - Étudiant - Activer mon compte.

Your account will also grant you access to the many Wi-Fi hotspots around campus, as well as to computers in the self-service labs.

To learn more, take a look at the Mes services numériques page.

Student life


You can find plenty of useful information about student life on the uB-link student portal.

In particular, you will find information on:

To succeed in your studies and your professional insertion, you can access:

If you encounter social difficulties, you can benefit from food aid for students in need: Epicerie solidaire, Febia and Campus comestible (community groceries) and consult a social worker, among several CROUS Social ServicesCette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. of the University of Burgundy also can help you with the issues related to housing, free food, administrative steps, loan of computers, finding student job… You may be eligible to receive financial aid from the French government through the CAF (Family Allowance Fund) to finance a portion of your rent or housing fees.

Dijon's cultural life is rich. The campus even has its own cultural centre Atheneum and its radio station Radio Dijon Campus in which you can participate. Also take a look at the Mansart theatre's programme, managed by CROUS. You can also get the city of Dijon's Carte culture (Culture Card) which offers discounts on numerous cultural events happening in the greater Dijon area.

Divia, the public transport service in Dijon, offers a variety of subscription passes and means of transport. Companies for traveling around Burgundy, France, and internationally: Mobigo, FlixBus, BlaBlaCar, SNCF discount rail cards.

Also take a look at the:



General contacts at uB

Contacts within your faculty, school or institute

The Contacts page, as well as the ENT directory, contains the contact information of anyone at uB whom you wish to contact. All agents of the University of Burgundy are also present on the TEAMS platform.

In case of emergency, you must contact national services outside the University by dialling the following numbers according to your situation:


Social security - Health

Information for the 2024/2025 academic year.

You have health insurance in one of the countries of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland


You must come in France with your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) valid throughout your stay abroad. This is a free card issued by your health insurance organization which allows you to benefit from the French public health care that you would need during a temporary stay abroad under the same conditions and at the same price as people insured in France. Find more information on the EHIC on the European Commission website.

When you receive health care in France, you must present your European Health Insurance Card (or provisional certificate).

If you are obliged to pay in advance for health care that is usually free of charge in France, you have two options for reimbursement: 

If you wish to be reimbursed in France you must present the following documents to the CPAM:

Good to know: in the case of hospitalisation, in general you will not be obliged to advance the costs because your European Health Insurance Card is sufficient (except in specific establishments not covered by the French health insurance system in cities like Paris).


You DO NOT have health insurance in one of the countries of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland


French social security (Health Insurance)

Once your administrative enrolment has taken place, you must apply for social security online through the website in order to be covered in case of health problems (illness, hospitalization, etc.).


Complementary health insurance (mutuelle)

Social security allows you to receive care in case of health problems and covers the majority of the cost (up to 70% on average), after which you must pay the remaining cost. To cover the expenses not covered by social security, we strongly advise you to obtain a complementary health insurance plan, called a mutuelle. This insurance is not mandatory, but can be very useful because it can cover one part or all (depending on the option you have chosen) of the costs that are not covered by social security. If you wish to enrol in a complementary health insurance plan, you can contact one of many organisations to find the offer that suits you best:

Do you have a modest income and cannot afford to subscribe to a "mutuelle"? Check if you are eligible for the state complementary health insurance (complémentaire santé solidaire) which will cost you nothing or less than 1 euro/day.

Good to know

As a student at the University of Burgundy, you have access to the University Health Centre, where you can consult a general practitioner, a psychiatrist, a gynaecologist, nurses, a psychologist, a marriage counsellor, and staff from the Diagnosis and Testing Centre for sexually transmitted infections.



Information for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Events at the University and around the region


All year long, there are a wide variety of events happening at the University, in Dijon, and around the Burgundy region: cultural, sporting events, scientific events, etc. Many events, especially those at the University, are free and open to all. It's a great way to meet other people and learn more about the environment around you.

To find out what's coming up, take a look at the various event calendars:


Events of particular interest to international students


International Student Welcome Days are hosted by the International Office, City of Dijon and the ESN InsiDijon student association at the beginning of every semester. This event is a great opportunity to get acquainted with both the campus environment and the city of Dijon, and to meet other students, both French and international. 

Erasmus Days take place in October.

CROUS events Invitez le monde à votre table (Invite the World to Your Table).

Campus Days: all uB students are invited to join in various fun activities at the beginning of each academic year in September.


Student organisations


There are more than 140 student organisations at the University of Burgundy, across all campuses. They are great opportunities for meeting people and making friends, and many of them were created specifically for students of different origins to help you get settled into university life.


Erasmus Student Network (ESN) InsiDijon


The international students' association, ESN InsiDijon, offers to pair international students with a "buddy". This means that you will be paired with a University of Burgundy student who will be able to help you discover French culture and life in Burgundy. They will offer you support when you need it, and will be there for you as a helpful guide during your stay in Dijon.

Sign up here to get in contact with your buddy!

Once you arrive in Dijon, you can also become a member of the association and participate in different activities by:

You can also join the WhatsApp group of international students who will be at our university in 2024/2025 academic year.

Co-funded by the European Union


Other international student organisations


All athletic, cultural, and academic organisations are listed in the Associations directory.

Alumni network


Keeping up with what uB alumni are doing can be very useful.



Information for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Since you will be spending several months or years in France, there are many resources available to you that can help speed up the adaptation period and avoid culture shock.

Culture shock and student mobility workshops


These workshops, conducted mainly in English by students in the Intercultural Management master programme, allow uB students to learn more about different cultures and meet new people.

Discussion topics include:

Workshop structure:

More information

Transversal course unit Interculturalité


This unité d'enseignement transversale (UET), or transversal course unit, is a supplementary one-semester course that makes it possible to learn or perfect your skills in a foreign language (French for example) and to gain professional experience while working, according to your availability, as a tutor at the University's Language Centre.

Additionally, it's a great opportunity to meet other students, both French and international.

The course unit is worth 5 additional ECTS credits, and can be added on to your primary curriculum in the majority of cases.

Learning about French culture and improving your French level


Ensemble en France (Together in France) is an online platform with interactive tools to help those who have recently settled in France better understand its customs, habits, and traditions.

Before and during your time at the University of Burgundy, there are several options available to you for learning or improving your French level.

French and international student testimonies


Reading other international students' experiences and reactions, as well as those written by French students who went abroad, can help you better understand cultural differences and familiarise yourself with the country in which you will be studying.

Take a look at the many pages online featuring student testimonies: